Top Traffic Exchnages for 2021Hi, I’m Nicky Harrison and I’ve been using traffic exchanges since 2010 to grow my online businesses. With all that time surfing I’ve found TE’s that work and ones that don’t.

So today you can learn from my experience and you’ll find the top traffic exchanges for 2021! Below are the top sites that i’ve been using for years, they’re not always the top TE’s of the month but they constantly prove themselves with lots of conversions.


The Top Traffic Exchanges for 2021

  1. EasyHits4U – This site has been online since 2003 and it has well over a million members to show for it. There’s always hundreds of surfers surfing at any given time, lots of eyes to see your ads!
  2. TrafficAdbar – Traffic Ad Bar is one of the best traffic exchanges for 2021, it’s always gives me great conversions every month! Be sure to spend a lot of time on this one, it’ll send you a steady steam of visitors.
  3. WebmasterQuest – WebmasterQuest is even older then EasyHits4U, they’ve been online since 2000 and have been providing excellent traffic ever since!
  4. Hits Voodoo – This site isn’t as old as the other sites on this list, but I get good conversions form it as well.
  5. Hungry For Hits – Hungry For Hits is great, they have tons of cool features and tools that you can use with your surfing.
  6. Traffic-Splash – Another great exchange! Traffic-Splash is a fast moving TE, keep it topped up with credits.
  7. Tezzers – One of the Top Traffic Exchanges for 2021! Tezzers is a wonder exchange, and will bring you lots of conversions!
  8. Traffic G – Traffic G is another old TE, it’s been online since 2001. They’re a 1:1 traffic exchange, that means you’ll get a view for every site you view.
  9. Hit2Hit – With HIt2Hit you can advertise your sites with ease, another fast site to keep your credits topped off with.
  10. Infinity Traffic Boost – Great site that you can also earn Bitcoin with, it has a very high conversion rate.

So that’s my list for the top traffic exchanges for 2021! For honorable mention I suggest my three traffic exchanges Subzero Hits, Surf-Boss and Team Surfing Club. If you’re looking for more traffic you can’t go wrong with them.


Top Traffic Exchanges for 2021

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